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Trees are leafless for a shorter or longer season of the year in:
Isoclines joining places of equal rainfall are called
Consider the following statements about ‘Meandering’:
1. Meandering is an important feature of upper course of a river that is characterized by intensive erosion and vertical cliffs with a concave slope.
2. The physiographical features associated with meandering process are oxbow lake, levee deposits and backswamp.
Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
The number of zodiacs is:
The largest current, because of its dark waters is known as the ‘black current’ and that is:
A special type of well in which water rises automatically under the pressure of a column of water to the ground surface through a hole is known as:
Which of the following pair is CORRECT?
What is a strait?
The distribution of characteristic vegetation of a region is determined mainly by:
Sandstone is metamorphosed to: