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With reference to the provisions of the Cripps Mission, consider the following statements:
1. It provided for a Dominion Status to India.
2. Princely states were not to be represented in the Constituent Assembly.
3. Provincial Assemblies were to elect their representatives to the Constituent Assembly.
Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
The Great Famine of Bengal 1943 was largely a man-made famine because :
R.C. Dutt identified three phases of British exploitation of India.Which of the following statements is/are correct about this?
1. In the phases which coincides with Industrial revolution in England, the East India Company enjoyed monopoly of trade with India.
2. The cotton industry was plundered mainly in Mercantile phase.
3. The export imports firms boomed in the Finance-Imperialism phase.
4. The Railway was developed in the Finance-Imperialism phase.
Select the correct answer using the code given below.
Who amongst the following legalised corruption in the land revenue department ?
Which among the following leaders was/ were associated with Swarajya Party?
1. C. R. Das
2. Motilal Nehru
3. Vithalbhai Patel
Select the correct answer using the code given below.
With reference to Sangam and Vedic texts, consider the following statements :
1. Both Vedic and Sangam texts are religious in nature.
2. Unlike Vedic texts, Sangam texts do not provide any information on the political and economic life of people
Which of the statement(s) given above is/are? Correct?
Which of the following is not correct?
The first Indian ruler to organize Haj Pilgrimage at the expense of the state was :
The year 1885 marks the beginning of a new epoch in Indian History. Which of the following can be regarded as the cause/s for the growth of Indian Nationalism ?
1. Racialism
2. Administrative Unification of India
3. Influence of European Historical researchers
Select the correct answer using codes given below.
Which among the following was/were the actions undertaken by the congress ministries in the brief period of 28 months rule in provinces during 1937-39?
1. Restrictions on press was removed.
2. Land reforms and abolition of Zamindari system.
3. Release of political prisoners including revolutionaries.
Select the correct answer using the code given below.