With reference to the Civil Disobedience Movement in India, consider the following statements:
1. It received massive support from Indian business class and women.
2. It remained a peaceful movement throughout the country.
3. It was successful in reducing government revenues and imports from Britain.
Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct?
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Which of the following factors resulted in popular support for Home rule league?
1. The world war destroyed the myth of racial superiority of colonial powers.
2. Heavy taxation and high prices during the world war.
3. Failure of the congress to launch mass movement under moderate leadership.
Select the correct answer using the code given below.
Which of the following recommended equal parity between Europeans and Indians in recruitment to civil services?
Consider the following statements about Opium Commission 1893:
1. A royal commission was issued to inquire into the results of using opium in India under Lord Elgin.
2. The result of Opium use in India is much less harmful than it was supposed.
3. Opium is not associated to any disease and it is widely used as a remedy in Malaria and Fever.
Which of the above statement(s) is/are incorrect?
Consider the following statements regarding activities of Indians abroad during freedom struggle:
1. Some leaders of freedom struggle went abroad because they wanted to publish revolutionary literature.
2. Some revolutionaries went abroad to gather arms to fight against British rule in India.
3. Annie Besant started Indian Home Rule Society in London.
Which of statements given above are correct?
Consider the following ancient south Indian ports:
1. Muziris
2. Arikamedu
3. Kaveripattinam
Which of the above is/are belong(s) to Sangam age?
Consider the following statements in the context of 'Arya Samaj':
1. It aimed at revival of Hinduism.
2. It upheld the superiority of men over women.
3. It started Shuddhi movement to reconvert to the Hindu folds the converts to Christianity and Islam.
Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct?
Which of the following was the primary task taken up by the Paramahansa Mandali?
Consider the following statements in the context of Indian Capitalists before independence:
1. The Indian capitalist class grew largely as junior partners of foreign capitalist.
2. The capitalist class on the whole was not tied up in a subservient position with pro-imperialist feudal interests either economically or politically.
Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct?
During the Mughal period, under the Zabti system, land revenue was assessed and was required to be paid-
The Battle Of Ten Kings (dasa-rajanyayuddha) was fought on the bank of which one of the following rivers ?