GS History Modern India

With reference to the Partition of Bengal, consider the following statements:

1. The Partition of Bengal was done on the basis of language, caste and religion.

2. The Lucknow Session of the Indian National Congress under the Presidentship of Gokhale was convened to condemn the partition and reactionary policies of Curzon.

3. The Partition of Bengal was annulled in 1911 but Bihar and Orissa were taken out of it.

Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct?

  • The British Government's decision to partition Bengal had been made public in Dec.1903. The official reason given for the decision was that Bengal with a population of 78 million had become too big to be administered. But the real motive behind the partition plan was the British desire to weaken Bengal , the nerve centre of Indian Nationalism.
  • The Partition took place on the basis of (i) language - thus reducing the Bengalis to a minority in Bengal -as the new Bengal created was to have 17 million Bengalis and 37 million Hindi and Oriya speaking people. (ii) Religion- western half of the Bengal was to be made a Hindu majority area and eastern half was to be a Muslim majority area.Thus, there was no basis of Caste to partition Bengal. Hence, 1st Statement is incorrect.
  • Benaras Session under the Presidentship of Gopal Krishna Gokhale was convened to condemn the Partition of Bengal and the reactionary policies of Curzon and support the anti-Partition and Swadeshi Movement of Bengal. Hence, 2nd Statement is incorrect.

Thus, Option A is Correct.

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