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Which of the following statement(s) is/are correct regarding the policy of carrot and stick used by the British?
1. It was a policy of repression followed by conciliation and further suppression.
2. It was used to create a split between the moderates and extremists in the Congress.
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Among the following who was the proponent of the ‘Bhakti Cult’ from West Bengal?
With reference to The Vernacular Press Act of 1878, consider the following statements:
1. It abolished the policy of discrimination between English and vernacular press.
2. A Press Commissioner was appointed to supply authentic and accurate news to the press.
3. The District magistrate was empowered to call upon the printer of any vernacular newspaper to enter into a bond with the Government.
Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct?
With reference to the revolt of 1857, which of the following were the religious causes of discontent among Indian people against the British rule?
1. Rediscovery of India's past by European scholars.
2. The social reform and humanitarian measures taken by the government
3. The official policy of taxing the lands belonging to temples and mosques
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The main cause for ‘Deccan Agrarian Riots’ of 1875 was the resentment of ‘ryots’ against which of the following?
During the reign of which great Mughal was tobacco introduced in India?
1. These movements widened the gap amongst the different religious communities in India.
2. Overemphasis on religious and philosophical aspects worked as a check on the spread of modern scientific thinking.
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“Adivaraha” was the title adopted by who among the following Medieval rulers of India?
Which of the following features can be associated with Indian judiciary during the British period?
1. Judicial system became complicated.
2. The rule of law was established.
3. Codified laws were introduced.
Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
Who was the famous Deccan Hindu King whose fleet crossed the Bay of Bengal with an army and conquered a number of sates in Sumatra, Java and Malaysia ?