Consider the following statements.
1. Ashoka’s inscriptions were generally composed in Pali and written in Aramaic script, with the exception of north western part of India.
2. Ashoka’s Kandahar Inscription speaks of the success of his policy with the hunters and fishermen, who gave up killing animals and possibly took to a settled agricultural life.
3. The motive behind Ashoka’s war with Kalinga was commercial
4. Ashoka disbanded and downsized major sections of his army immediately after the Kalinga war.
Which of the given above statement(s) is/are correct?
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Which of the following pair(s) is/are correctly matched?
List-I (Newspaper) | List-II (Publisher/Journalist) |
1. Indian Mirror | James Augustus |
2. Amrita Bazar Patrika | Sisir Kumar Ghosh |
3. The Hindu | G Subramania Aiyar |
4. Bengal Gazette | Devendra Nath Tagore |
Select the correct answer using the code given below.
Which of the following chronological order is correctly matched?
With reference to Public Safety Bill, 1928, consider the following statements:
1. It was proposed by the British government to acquire power to deport 'undesirable' foreigners.
2. It was defeated in the legislature with the help of Swarajists.
3. It was supported by the capitalist class as it prevented foreign investors from investing in India.
Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct?
Consider the following pairs of Medieval Indian state and their present region
Medieval Indian state | Their present region |
1. Durgara | Jammu |
2. Senas | Bengal |
3. Magh | Bihar |
4. Vaghelas | Gujarat |
5. Sharqis | Kashmir |
Which of the given above pairs is/are incorrectly matched:
During occupation of Bengal under dual government by the East India company, the term 'investments' refers to ?
Who wrote historical account during the Mughal period?
Which of the following statements are correct regarding the Pabna movement?
1. The main cause of the movement was the oppression of the peasantry by the zamindars.
2. The peasants organised no rent unions.
3. The main form of struggle was that of legal resistance.
4. It lead to the enactment of Bengal Tenancy Act 1885.
Select the correct answer using the code given below
Consider the following statements regarding the policies of Congress during the national movement:
1. To concentrate on India's freedom struggle, it refrained from advocating for independence of other Asian and African countries.
2. It always opposed the use of the India's army and resources to serve British interests in Africa and Asia.
3. In protest of British Imperialism, Congress initially supported the fascist governments in Japan, Germany and Italy.
Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct?
Consider the following statements regarding the Muslim League.
1. The all India Muslim League was formed in 1906 at the Dacca educational conference.
2. The league was the logical culmination of the Aligarh movement started by Syed Ahmed Khan.
3. The London branch of the league was founded in 1908 which played a decisive role in the Morley-Minto reforms.
Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct?
Ripon's resolution of 1882 pertained to which of the following?