GS History Modern India


1. It marked the starting of strict centralization of governance in India.

2. Representative institutions were first time introduced by this act.

3. It empowered the Viceroy to issue ordinances without the concurrence of the legislative council during an emergency.

Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct?


Statement 1 is incorrect: The Act of 1861 was important in the constitutional history because it enabled the Governor-General to associate the people of the land with work of legislation. And by vesting legislative powers in the Governments of Bombay and Madras which ultimately culminated in grant of almost complete internal autonomy to the provinces in the 1937.

Statement 2 is correct: The Expansion of executive council of Governor General / Viceroy was the one of the feature of this act. The executive council of Governor General was added a fifth finance member. For legislative purpose, a provision was made for an addition of 6 to 12 members to the central executive. At least half of the additional members were to be non-officials. These members were nominated by the Viceroy for the period of two years

Statement 3 is correct: This act empowered Governor General to promulgate ordinances, without the concurrence of the legislative council, during and emergency.

Thus, Option B is Correct.

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