GS History Modern India

Which of the following pairs are correctly matched? 

List-I (Mission/ meeting)

List-II (Objective/ outcome)

1. August offer

To seek Indian support for Britain in WW-II

2. Shimla conference

To discuss and approve Wavell Plan

3. AICC meeting in Bombay 1942

Ratification of Quit India Resolution

Select the correct answer using the code given below.


Pair 1: Correct, On 8 August 1940, the Viceroy of India, Lord Linlithgow, made the August Offer, a fresh proposal promising the expansion of the Executive Council to include more Indians, the establishment of an advisory war council, giving full weight to minority opinion, and the recognition of Indians' right to frame their own constitution (after the end of the war). In return, it was hoped that all parties and communities in India would cooperate in Britain's war effort.

Pair 2: Correct. The Simla Conference 1945 was a meeting between the Viceroy and the major political leaders of British India at Simla, convened to agree on and approve the Wavell Plan for Indian self- government.

Pair 3: Correct, first time the decision to launch the struggle was taken at meeting at wardha on july 1942, but the august meeting at Gowalia tank in bombay witnessed ratification of the decision, where Gandhi adressed the crowd and raised the slogan "Do or Die".

Thus, Option D is Correct.

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