The proposal to create Pakistan was rejected by the Cabinet mission. Which of the following were the reasons for it?
1. It would encourage Sikhs to demand separate statehood.
2. The proposed Pakistan had many Non-Muslim populations.
3. Regional ties of Bengal and Punjab would be disturbed.
4. Partition would result economic and administrative problems.
Select the correct answer using the codes given below:
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Which of the following factors is/are responsible for the spread of Nationalism in India in 19th century?
1. Rise of western thought and education
2. Growth of nationalist newspapers
3. Improved transport and communication links
Select the correct answer using the code given below.
Sepoys of 1857 revolt turned to aristocrats and feudal chiefs for leadership because :
Consider the following statements.
1. Microliths are associated with Mesolithic age
2. Burzahom - an important Neolithic site - is in Kashmir
Which of the given above statement(s) is/are correct?
With reference to Public Safety Bill, 1928, consider the following statements:
1. It was proposed by the British government to acquire power to deport 'undesirable' foreigners.
2. It was defeated in the legislature with the help of Swarajists.
3. It was supported by the capitalist class as it prevented foreign investors from investing in India.
Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct?
With reference to the administration of Ranjit Singh in Punjab, consider the following statements:
1. He built up a powerful and well- equipped army along European lines.
2. He made transformative changes in the system of land revenue promulgated earlier by the Mughals.
3. His religious policy was conservative in nature.
Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct?
Which of the following was/were the recommendations of Hunter commission of 1882?
1. Primary education should be imparted through vernacular languages.
2. Transfer of control of primary education to district and municipal boards.
3. Universities should be completely brought under the State's control.
Select the correct answer using the code given below.
Consider the following statements in the context of 'Arya Samaj':
1. It aimed at revival of Hinduism.
2. It upheld the superiority of men over women.
3. It started Shuddhi movement to reconvert to the Hindu folds the converts to Christianity and Islam.
Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct?
Which of the following locations have astronomical observatories built by Raja Sawai Jai Singh?
1. Delhi
2. Jaipur
3. Ujjain
4. Jaisalmer
Select the correct answer using the code given below.
Why modern educated Indians did not support the 1857 revolt?
Which of the following pair is not correct?
1. Shore temple : Pallavas
2. Kailasa temple: Rashtrakutas
3. Khajuraho temples : Chandellas