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With reference to the Indian Civil Services (ICS) under the British rule, consider the following statements:
1. Cornwallis set up a college at Fort William to train the civil servants.
2. Satyendra Prasad Sinha was the first Indian to qualify the ICS.
3. Aitchison Commission recommended holding simultaneous examinations in India and England to allow more Indians into the civil services posts.
Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct?
What were the reasons for starting the Quit India Movement?
1. Failure of the August offer.
2. Rising prices of commodities.
3. Japanese aggression.
Select the correct answer using the codes given below:
Consider the following pairs about Jain Classification of all living beings:
Jain Classification | Living beings |
1. Beindriya Jiva | shells, worms, insects |
2. Treindriya Jiva | bugs, lice, white ants |
3. Chaurindriya Jiva | scorpions, crickets, spiders |
4. Panchendriya Jiva | human beings, cow, lions |
Which of the pair(s) given above is/are correctly matched?
Consider the followings about ‘Buddhist texts’
1. Dipavamsa is the oldest historical record of Sri Lanka.
2. Divyavadana, a sankrit text, deals with Mauryan and Sunga History.
3. Udana is a Pali text contains the story of "Blind men and Elephant".
4. Bodhi Vamsa is a mix Sanskrit Pali text which was composed by Upatissa.
Which of the statements given above are correct?
The Swadeshi movement failed to attract Muslim peasantry on a wider scale because of?
1. Divide and rule policy of British which divided Bengal on communal lines.
2. The use of traditional popular customs, festivals and institutions for mobilizing the masses.
3. Promise of abolition of zamindari system by British in East Bengal.
Select the correct answer using the code given below.
With reference to the position of 'Peshwa' in the Maratha kingdom, consider the following statements:
1. It was created as a hereditary position equivalent to modern day prime minister.
2. The peshwa was ranked in order below the Chatrapati or the king.
3. Shivaji was the first peshwa of the Maratha empire.
Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct?
Consider the following statements.
1. Junagadh inscription of Rudradaman in about 150 A.D. was one of the earliest specimens of chaste Sanskrit.
2. “Mahavastu” was a religious treatise on Hinayana Buddhism
3. Roman emperor Trajan received an embassy from India in 28 A.D.
4. Glass-making industry had received a great boost in India during the Post-Mauryan period.
Which of the given above statement(s) are correct?
Which of the following reasons is/are responsible for the defeat of the Marathas in the Anglo-Maratha wars?
1. They were unable to conquer new territory.
2. They lack mutual understanding among their chiefs.
3. They failed to estimate correctly the political and diplomatic strength of the British.
Select the correct answer using the codes given below.
Which of the following statement(s) about Acharya J. B. Kriplan is/are correct?
1. He was a partisan socialist.
2. He held the presidency of INC during the turbulent period of 1947.
3. He was the supporter of Gandhian Philosophy.
Select the correct statement using the codes given below.
Which among the following organizations were not started by Raja Rammohan Roy?
1. Atmiya Sabha
2. Brahma Sabha
3. Hindu College
4. Tatvabodhini Sabha
Select the correct answer using codes given below: