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Which one of the following statements is not correct concerning Gupta period?
Identify the dynasty:
1. They were considered the first Afghan dynasty of India.
2. They were ruling over Sirhind when Sayyids were in India.
3. The Last among Delhi Sultanates.
In the context of statements given above choose the correct option :
Upanayana ceremony does not achieve which one of the followings?
Which of the following reasons can be attributed to English victory in the Battle of Plassey?
1. The Nawabs of Bengal failed to understand that East India company was no mere company of traders.
2. The Nawabs of Bengal neglected to build a strong modern army.
3. Bengal administration failed to check the growing corruption among their officials.
Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct?
Which of the following pairs is/are correctly matched?
List-I (State in 18th century) | List-II (State founder) |
1. Mysore | Hyder Ali |
2. Bengal | Aliwardi Khan |
3. Awadh | Sadat Khan |
Select the correct answer using the code given below.
The Jesuit missionary who had discussions with Akbar was?
Consider the following statements :
1. Harrapans imported Tin from West Asia
2. Harrapans imported Gold from Kolar
Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct?
Regarding the reforms in Land Revenue during the colonial period, consider the following statements
1. Through the Permanent Settlement, the zamindars of Bengal were recognized as the owners of land if they paid the revenue.
2. Ryotwari settlement was introduced in Assam also.
3. The Mahalwari Settlement brought a class of middlemen between the government and the village community.
Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct?
Consider the following statements.
1. Bindusara patronized Ajivika sect.
2. The original draft of “Indica” written by Megasthenes is one of the major sources of information about Mauryan Empire.
3. The Jaina work that talks about the conversion of Chandragupta Maurya to Jainism is “Parisistaparvan”
4. The “Akshapataladhyaksha” of the Mauryan state was the Superintendent of Mines.
Which of the given above statement(s) is/are correct?
Consider the following pairs:
List-I (Book) | List-II (Author) |
1. The Economic History of India | R C Dutt |
2. Poverty and Unbritish rule in India | G Subramania Iyer |
3. A Nation in Making | Surendranath Banerjee |
Which of the pairs given above is/are correctly matched?