The year 1885 marks the beginning of a new epoch in Indian History. Which of the following can be regarded as the cause/s for the growth of Indian Nationalism ?
1. Racialism
2. Administrative Unification of India
3. Influence of European Historical researchers
Select the correct answer using codes given below.
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Rowlatt Act, 1919, provided :
1. Arrests without warrant
2. In camera trials of political prisoners
3. Indefinite detention without trial
4. Stricter control of the press
Which of the given above statements are correct?
Where do we find the maximum concentration of Harappan sites?
Upanayana ceremony does not achieve which one of the followings?
With reference to the vernacular press act 1878, consider the following statements:
1. It was applicable to all the newspapers in India.
2. It allowed the government to confiscate the printing press on the suspicion that it was indulging in seditious publication.
Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct?
Which of the following was/were correct about 3rd June Plan?
1. Principle of Partition of India was accepted by the British Government .
2. Successor governments would be given dominion status.
3. Implicit right to secede from the British Commonwealth.
Select the correct answer using the code given below
Consider following statements about the Home Rule movement:
1. Home Rule movement was organized under the auspices of Congress.
2. The objective of this movement was to obtain self rule under the British rule in constitutional way.
3. Montagu Declaration in 1917 was one of the factors which weakened the movement.
4. It created the environment to undo the Surat Split.
Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct?
Which of the following is not correctly matched concerning Akbar’s military campaigns?
Why First Round Table Conference was organized?
With reference to the role of women in Indian National Movement and reforms related to them, which of the statements given below is not correct?
What was the main reason for the launch of Khilafat movement?