Which of the following amounts to reactionary policy of Lord Lytton?
1. The duty imposed on manufactured cotton goods imported to Indian from England was abolished.
2. The age limit for Indians appearing in Civil Service Examination was reduced from 21 to 19.
3. Enactment of Vernacular Press act of 1878 that restricts the regional language newspapers.
Select the correct answer using the codes given below.
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What was the reason of launching of Champaran Satyagraha?
Which of the following offers were made in 'August Offer'?
1. An immediate expansion of Imperial Legislative council by enlarging Indian representation.
2. The establishment of war advisory council consisting of representatives of British India and Indian states.
3. The promotion of practical steps to arrive on an agreement on the form of post war representative body.
Select the correct answer using the code given below.
Regarding Rajagopalachari formula, consider the following statements
1. The main objective of the Rajagopalachari formula was to solve the constitutional crisis that occurred due to the failure of the Cripps Mission.
2. The proposals of the Rajagopalachari formula were shadowed by the two-nation theory of Muslim League.
Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
After the grant of Diwani in 1765, British first came in conflict with which of the following mountain tribes?
Consider the following statements about ‘Bodhisattva’ :
1. Bodhisattva means one who has essence of enlightment.
2. It's a very popular subject in Jain art.
3. Most of the bodhisattvas were celestial in nature.
4. The famous Bodhisattva Avalokiteśvara was devoted in Ellora Caves as Padmapani.
Which of the statements given above are correct?
The Jesuit missionary who had discussions with Akbar was?
With reference to 28 months of Congress Rule in provinces (in late 1930s) consider the following statements :
1. Agrarian structure was drastically changed by abolishing Zamindari in some provinces.
2. Administrative work by Indians weakened the myth that Indians were not fit to rule.
3. Congress ministries resigned in 1939 because they were facing various hurdles in passing legislation and implementing them.
which of the statement(s) given above is/are not correct?
1. These movements widened the gap amongst the different religious communities in India.
2. Overemphasis on religious and philosophical aspects worked as a check on the spread of modern scientific thinking.
elect the correct answer using the codes given below:
Consider the following statements with reference to Cabinet Mission Plan:
1. It was sent to negotiate the terms for the transfer of power to Indians.
2. It proposed a federal structure for India.
3. Both Congress and Muslim League accepted the plan and agreed on interim government.
Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct?
Consider the following pairs of Sages and their statements :
Statements | Sages |
1. Women have right to sutdy the puransa | Sage Apasthamba |
2. women have right to inheritance | Sage Yagnavalkya |
Which of the pair(s) given above is/are correctly matched?