With reference to the Nehru Report (1928), consider the following statements:
1. It was a first major attempt by the Indians to draft a constitutional framework for the country.
2. In order to tackle communal issue, the Report recommended for Joint Electorates and reservation of seats for minorities at an All India Level.
3. The Report provided for the linguistic reorganization of provinces in order to safeguard the linguistic unity of the area and accommodated the wishes of the people.
Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct?
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Which of the following pairs is/are correctly matched?
List-I (State in 18th century) | List-II (State founder) |
1. Mysore | Hyder Ali |
2. Bengal | Aliwardi Khan |
3. Awadh | Sadat Khan |
Select the correct answer using the code given below.
The British were helped by the Natives in the revolt. Consider the following in this regard and choose the true statements:
1. The princely states did not participate in the mutiny.
2. Man Singh at Gwalior deceived Tantya Tope and Laxmibai.
3. Salar Jang of Hyderabad were "praised" by the British for their loyalty to the Government.
Which of the statements given above are correct?
Which among the following is not correctly matched?
Which of the following sessions of Congress was the first to be presided by a European?
Consider the following statements:
1. Bankim Chandra felt that the ideas of western civilization could be applied to India.
2. Leaders like Dayanand and Vivekanand derived their inspiration from the European texts.
3. Economic nationalism, cultural nationalism and religious nationalism all followed different paths to arrive at the same end.
Which of the statement(s) given above is/ are correct?
In the early 1860s, there was a sudden increase in access to credit for ryots in the Deccan villages. Which among the following was the reason for this?
Which among the following leaders led marches to protest against British salt tax during Civil Disobedience movement?
1. C. Rajgopalachari
2. K. Kelappan
3. Sarojini Naidu
Select the correct answer using the code given below.
Arrange the following kingdoms in the order of their conquest by the British East India Company.
1. Bengal
2. Maratha
3. Mysore
4. Punjab
Select the correct answer using the code given below.
Which of the following statements is/are correct?
1. Mongols under Chenghiz khan invaded India during the reign of Balban
2. The Chenghiz khan’s army plundered the Ganga Yamuna doab and caused huge loss of life and property.
Select the correct answer using the codes below:
Which one of the following pairs is not correct?