GS History Modern India

The sepoys during the revolt of 1857 proclaimed Bahadur shah as their leader because:

1. To give a positive political meaning to the revolt.

2. Bahadur shah, being the Mughal emperor, was very powerful and active against British.

Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct?


Statement 1 is correct. The capture of Delhi and the proclamation of Bahadur Shah as the Emperor of Hindustan and the leader of sepoys gave a positive political meaning to the revolt and provided a rallying point for the rebels by recalling the past glory of the imperial city.

Statement 2 is incorrect. Bahadur Shah II, the Moghul Emperor a pensioner of the British East India Company, who possessed nothing but the name of the mighty Mughals, he was neither sure of the intentions of the sepoys nor of his own ability to play an effective role. He was neither powerful nor active against British.

Thus, Option A is Correct.

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