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Which of the following statement(s) about Acharya J. B. Kriplan is/are correct?
1. He was a partisan socialist.
2. He held the presidency of INC during the turbulent period of 1947.
3. He was the supporter of Gandhian Philosophy.
Select the correct statement using the codes given below.
In response to which of the following complete Independence was declared as the aim of congress in Lahore session 1929?
With reference to the impact of the British Rule on Indian agriculture, consider the following statements:
1. British policies of Mahalwari and Ryotwari led to the development of agriculture whereas policies of Permanent settlement deteriorated it.
2. British policies increased the percentage of population dependent on agriculture.
3. Commercialization of agriculture led to the exploitation of cultivators by money lenders and merchants .
Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
Consider the following statements regarding the Nehru Report of 1928.
1. Nehru Report recommended India’s independence with the dominion status.
2. The central government to be headed by a governor-general, appointed by the British Government
3. It accepted the principle of separate electorate.
4. M. A. Jinnah voted in favour of the report.
Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
Consider the following statements:
1. Indian Civil Liberties Union was formed to mobilize public opinion against the encroachments on civil liberties.
2. National Planning Committee was set up to draw up a development plan for free India under the chairmanship of Subhas Chandra Bose.
Which of the statement(s) given above is/are not correct?
With reference to the 'Wardha scheme of Basic Education' in 1937. Which of the following statements are correct?
1. The main principle behind this scheme was learning through activity.
2. This scheme was formulated by Dr. Abul Kalam Azad committee.
3. This scheme provided for first 10 years of schooling to be an integral part of a free and compulsory nationwide education system.
4. Both Wardha scheme and Hunter Commission laid importance on education being imparted through vernacular language.
Select the correct answer using code given below.
Consider the following:
1. Muslim league
2. Communist Party of India
3. Hindu Mahasabha
Which of the organizations given above supported the Quit India Movement?
Which of the following objectives led British to wage wars with Afghanisthan?
1. To serve as a base for Central Asia in their quest for territorial expansion.
2. To check French military influence.
Select the correct answer using the code given below.
The song 'Bande Mataram' became widely popular for the first time during which of the following movements?
Consider following statements about the Home Rule movement:
1. Home Rule movement was organized under the auspices of Congress.
2. The objective of this movement was to obtain self rule under the British rule in constitutional way.
3. Montagu Declaration in 1917 was one of the factors which weakened the movement.
4. It created the environment to undo the Surat Split.
Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct?