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Consider the following statements:
1. After abolition of the Dual system, the East India Company had to act as Diwan.
2. Establishment of civil courts reduced the corruption in judiciary.
3. Abolition of Dastaks in trade and commerce completely eliminated private trade by the company’s servants.
Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct?
With reference nationalist critique of 19th century colonial India, which of the following statements is/are correct?
1. Foreign capital investment was seen as a tool for political subjugation.
2. Modern technology and capitalist enterprise were seen as colonial measures to exploit the poor.
Select the correct answer using code given below.
Consider the followings with respect to the era of Balban:
1. The empire was completely free from robbery and dacoities
2. To emphasise that the nobles were equal to the king, he abolished the ceremonies of sijada and paibos
Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct?
Consider the following statements with regard to Tipu Sultan:
1. He planted "Tree of liberty" at Srirangpattanam.
2. He was a member of Jacobin Club of France.
3. He organised his army on European lines.
Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
The term 'Ghalla-bakhshi' refers to-
With reference to 1857 revolt, consider the following statements.
1. The annexation of Indian States by company led to deterioration in income of artisans and Indian handicraftsman. So this group participated in 1857 revolt.
2. British rule in India led to rise in status of traditional Zamindars so this group supported company during 1857 revolt.
3. Abolition of sati, support to widow remarriages and women education caused discontent in large sections of Indian society.
Which of the statements given above are correct?
“A semi religious sect having influence in the northern districts of Bengal, one of its famous leaders 'Tipu' was motivated by the religious and political motives and took up the cause of the tenanats against the oppression of the Zamindars. The insurgents extended their activities to Garo hills”. Which of the following uprisings associated with the above passage?
After the grant of Diwani in 1765, British first came in conflict with which of the following mountain tribes?
With reference to the Young Bengal movement, which of the following issues were taken up by Derozians:
1. Rights of women
2. Grievances of peasants
3. Better treatment of Indian labours in British colonies abroad.
Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
Which one of the following statements is incorrect?