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With reference to the growth of Indian Civil Service during British India, consider the following statements:
1. Recruitment to the civil service at the outset was based on patronage.
2. The Civil Service remained for all practical purposes out of bounds to Indians despite the introduction of competitive examination in 1853.
3. In the 1940s, the Indians outnumbered the Europeans in the Civil Services.
Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct?
During the revolt of 1857, as the mutiny broke out, sepoys started converging to Delhi. Which of the following is the correct reason behind that?
To achieve political aims of control over Indian states, Lord Wellesley relied on which of the followings?
1. Subsidiary Alliance
2. Outright war
3. Doctrine of lapse
4. Assumption of territory of previous rulers
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Which among the following are the features of the ‘Gagging Act, 1878’?
1. Discrimination between English and Vernacular press
2. No right to appeal
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Who among the following Chola rulers sent an embassy of 72 merchants to China in 1077 ?
With reference to the Wavell Plan of 1945, consider the following statements:
1. Viceroy's executive council was to be converted into interim government.
2. Hindus and Muslims were to be given equal representation in the executive council.
3. The Shimla conference was convened to discuss its provisions.
Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct?
Which of the following statements is/are correct?
1. Mongols under Chenghiz khan invaded India during the reign of Balban
2. The Chenghiz khan’s army plundered the Ganga Yamuna doab and caused huge loss of life and property.
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Which among the following is not correctly matched?
Which of the following was/were part of Gandhi- Irwin pact of 1931?
1. Release of all the political prisoners not convicted of violence
2. Public enquiry into police excesses
3. Suspension of Civil Disobedience Movement
Select the correct answer using the codes given below.
Which of the following didn’t occur during Lord Dufferin’s period?
1. Third Anglo Burmese war that led to annexation of Upper Burma.
2. Tenancy acts were passed in some provinces.
3. Congress took birth in 1885.
4. Dadabhai Naoroji initiated establishment of East India Association, at London.
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