GS History Modern India

With reference the Socialist Party formed in 1934, consider following statements:

1. It was a left-wing group within the Congress.

2. They rejected the sectarian attitude of the communist Party of India

Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct?

  • Congress Socialist Party, or (CSP), was a left-wing group within the Congress. It was formed with Acharya Narendra Deva as President and Jay Prakash Narayan as General Secretary in 1934. The rise of this party was due to the increased left influence in the Indian National Congress. By 1935, one third of the Congress members were Congress Socialists. These leaders rejected the idea of Gandhi (which they saw as anti-rational). Though, they remained active in the workers and peasants movement, they rejected the sectarian attitude of the Communist Party of India.

Thus, Option C is Correct.

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