GS History Modern India

Which of the following was/were the reasons for A.O.Hume being the chief organiser of INC?

1. Leaders of INC did not want to arouse official hostility at such an early stage.

2. The tradition of open opposition to the rulers was not yet firmly followed during that period.

Select the correct answer using the code given below.


Statement 1 is correct. A.O. Hume was a retired civil servant and a man of high ideals so that his presence in INC would have helped in escaping any kind of hostility at such an early stage. They assumed that the rulers would be less suspicious and less likely to attack a potentially subversive organization if its chief organizer was a retired British civil servant.

Statement 2 is correct. There were very few people that time who were familiar with western political and liberal ideologies and the tradition of open opposition to the rulers was not yet firmly entrenched.

Thus, Option C is Correct.

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