Consider the following statements :
1. Mandu is a historical fort-town in the Junagadh region of Gujarat.
2. It served as the seat of the Hindu rulers Paramaras as well as capital of Hoshang Shah during the medieval period.
3. It is the site of stuff of popular legend of Baz Bahadar-Rani Rupmati romance and their musical and poetical achievements.
4. Hoshang Shah’s Mausoleum in Mandu is the first tomb in India made fully of white marble.
Which of the above statement is not correct?
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The earnings of the kings in the Medieval age were mostly derived from-
The breaking of the salt laws at Dandi on April 5, 1930, marked formal inauguration of the Civil Disobedience Movement. Which of the following statements is/are true about this :-
1. It is the active, professed refusal to obey certain laws, demands, and commands of a government, or of an occupying international power.
2. East India became the scene of a new kind of no tax campaign - refusal to pay the chowkidari tax.
3. Boycott of law courts by lawyers as well as litigants.
4. Picketing of only those shops which sell foreign goods.
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The following lists the battles fought in medieval times and the ruler who got victory in that battle. Which of the following is not correctly matched?
With reference to the 'Wardha scheme of Basic Education' in 1937. Which of the following statements are correct?
1. The main principle behind this scheme was learning through activity.
2. This scheme was formulated by Dr. Abul Kalam Azad committee.
3. This scheme provided for first 10 years of schooling to be an integral part of a free and compulsory nationwide education system.
4. Both Wardha scheme and Hunter Commission laid importance on education being imparted through vernacular language.
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Treaty of Salbai was signed between which of the following?
With reference to the Presidents of Indian National Congress (INC), which of the following statement(s) is/are correct?
1. William Wedderburn was the first Englishman to become the president of Indian National Congress
2. The first session of Indian National Congress was presided over by Dadhabhai Naoroji in Calcutta
Select the correct answer using the code given below.
Which of the following was/ were the aims of early nationalists in the 19th century?
1. A direct struggle for the political emancipation of the country
2. Creation of national unity
3. Mass mobilisation
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Which of the following could be the reasons for not initiating an Immediate movement by Gandhiji after the World War-II started?
1. Gandhiji and some other dominant leaders felt that the cause of Allies was just.
2. Gandhiji believed that there is an absence of Hindu-Muslim unity in the country.
3. He felt that masses were not ready for the struggle at that moment.
4. Gandhiji was of the opinion that Congress organization at the time was weak and had been corrupted during their 28 months rule.
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Which one of the following statements is not correct concerning Rajput society in Medieval India?
Consider the following statements about ‘Jainism’ :
1. It is derived from ‘Jin’ means victor or Conqueror.
2. To get a status of a Jina, attaining Kevalagyana is required first.
3. Moksa is the only liberation from Samsara.
4. Ahimsa is the fundamental principle of Jainism.
Which of the statements given above are correct?