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Which of the following are the reasons for the rise and growth of Left Movement in India?
1. Development of Indian industries.
2. Economic crisis after the first world war.
3. Success of the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia.
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Consider the following statements regarding Second World War and nationalist response:
1. Mahatma Gandhi advocated an unconditional support to the Allied powers as he made clear distinction between democratic states and totalitarian states.
2. Subhash Chandra Bose was in favour of taking advantage of Britain’s difficulties during the Second World War.
3. Jawaharlal Nehru recognized the imperialist nature of the war and wanted to start a mass movement to dislodge colonialism.
Which of the statement(s) given above is/are incorrect?
A ‘perpetual and general alliance’ 'Treaty of Bassein' was signed between the Peshwa and the English. Which of the following statements is/are incorrect about it?
1. The Treaty helped the Peshwa to get a foothold over Poona after the defeat from the Holkars in 1802.
2. After signing the Treaty the Britishers got the opportunity to interfere in the administrative affairs in case of Peshwa's death without any natural heir.
3. The Treaty provided the expulsion of all Europeans from the service except the English.
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Consider the following statements in the context of 'Arya Samaj':
1. It aimed at revival of Hinduism.
2. It upheld the superiority of men over women.
3. It started Shuddhi movement to reconvert to the Hindu folds the converts to Christianity and Islam.
Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct?
With reference to the Ghadar movement, consider the following statements:
1. The movement was strongly secular.
2. The Ghadar Movement failed to generate an effective and sustained leadership that was capable of integrating the various aspects of the movement.
3. Objective of Ghadarites was the establishment of an Independent Republic of India.
Which of the statements given above are correct?
Which of the following statements is correct in context of Eka Movement?
Who was the famous Deccan Hindu King whose fleet crossed the Bay of Bengal with an army and conquered a number of sates in Sumatra, Java and Malaysia ?
Which of the following social reformers contributed to the cause of Widow remarriage?
1. Vishnu Shastri Pandit
2. Jyotiba Phule
3. Karsondas Mulji
4. Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar
Select the correct answer using the codes given below.
Which of the following statements are correct about British policies in 19th Century.
1. The Summary Settlement Act 1956 divested power to summarily decide the collection of revenue to the middlemen.
2. Lord Dalhousie introduced General Service Enlistment Act under which the sepoys could be compelled to serve abroad.
3. The Religious Disabilities Act 1856 had done away with the previous ban on Christian converts to from Hinduism in inheriting property.
4. The Charter Act of 1813 allowed missionaries to enter India and carry on with their mission.
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With reference to British policies in India, what is the term 'Imperial Preferences' related to?