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Which of the following is correct regarding Cunningham Circular?
The Battle Of Ten Kings (dasa-rajanyayuddha) was fought on the bank of which one of the following rivers ?
During British Era, the Duke Memorandum became the basis of which among the following?
Which of the following reasons is/are responsible for the defeat of the Marathas in the Anglo-Maratha wars?
1. They were unable to conquer new territory.
2. They lack mutual understanding among their chiefs.
3. They failed to estimate correctly the political and diplomatic strength of the British.
Select the correct answer using the codes given below.
Consider the following statements with reference to some of the officials in the Ancient India.
1. Nagara-shreshthi was the Chief Craftsman of the royal court.
2. Sarthavaha was the leader of bonded labourers.
3. Sandhi-vigrahika was a minister of war and peace.
Select the correct answer using the code below.
The Great Famine of Bengal 1943 was largely a man-made famine because :
Which one of the following pairs is not correct?
Which of the following correctly describes the policy of Indian National Congress towards the Princely States, as enunciated in its resolution passed at Nagpur in 1920?
1. It called upon Princes to grant responsible government in their States.
2. It emphasized that no distinction was to be made between the people of British India and the Princely States.
3. It supported the people of the states to undertake political activity as members of local Praja Mandals.
Select the correct answer using the code given below.
Which of the following statements regarding the reign of Firuz shah Tughlaq is/are correct?
1. He banned inhuman punishments such as cutting of hands,feet etc
2. He setup Department of Public works and dug a number of canals
3. He was the first ruler who took steps to have Hindu religious works translated from Sanskrit to Persian, so that Hindu practices and ideas could be understood better.
Select the correct answer using the codes below:
Consider the following statements about ‘The Rashtrakutas’
1. They encouraged Arabs of Sindh.
2. They encouraged Hinduism but not Digambara Jainism
3. Their capital was at Manyakheta
4. The king Amonghavarsha I himself authored a part of Kavirajamarga, the earliest known Kannada poem.
Which of the statements given above are correct?