GS History Modern India

Consider the following statements regarding Satyagraha Sabha:

1. It was formed to protest Rowlatt Act.

2. Members of Home Rule Leagues also joined Satyagraha sabha.

3. It led to first mass strike of freedom struggle.

Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct?

  • Just when the nationalists were expecting post-War constitutional concessions, the Government came out with the repressive Rowlatt Act which the nationalists took as an insult. Gandhi called for a nationwide protest in February 1919. But soon, having seen the constitutional protest fail, Gandhi organised a Satyagraha Sabha and roped in younger members of Home Rule Leagues and the Pan Islamists. (Statement 1 and 2 correct).
  • The forms of protest finally chosen included observance of a nationwide hartal (strike) accompanied by fasting and prayer, and civil disobedience against specific laws, and courting arrest and imprisonment. (Statement 3 correct).

Thus, Option D is Correct.

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