With reference to the position of 'Peshwa' in the Maratha kingdom, consider the following statements:
1. It was created as a hereditary position equivalent to modern day prime minister.
2. The peshwa was ranked in order below the Chatrapati or the king.
3. Shivaji was the first peshwa of the Maratha empire.
Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct?
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Which of the following statements is/are correct?
1. Akbar setup a translation department, which undertook translation of Mahabharata, Atharva veda and ramayana
2. Akbar legalized Widow marriage and prohibitted sati
Select the correct answer using the codes below:
Which of the following were the causes that led to the failure of the 1857 revolt?
1. Limited territorial base as Central and western India remained mostly unaffected by the revolt.
2. Lack of coordination between the rebels.
3. Lack of resources of the rebels as compared to the British.
Select the correct answer using the codes given below.
Who among the following medieval rulers was called as a “Zinda Pir” - “a living saint”?
With reference to Indian Councils Act of 1909, consider the following statements:
1. Direct elections were introduced for the first time.
2. The number of Indian members in the Executive Council of Governor General was raised from one to three.
3. The number of elected members in the imperial Legislative Council were increased but not in the provincial legislative councils.
4. It introduced the system of separate electorates under which Muslims could only vote for Muslim candidates in constituencies specially reserved for them.
Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct?
Which of the following statement(s) is/are correct regarding the Chamber of Princes established in 1920?
1. It was popularly known as Narender Mandal or Narendra Mandal.
2. The needs and aspiration of princely states were voiced using this forum.
3. It survived until the end of the British Raj in 1947.
Select the correct answer using the codes given below:
Which of the following did not occur during the Governor Generalship of Warren Hastings?
. Consider the following pairs:
List-I (Movement) | List-II (Response by Gandhiji) |
1. Ahmedabad Mill strike | Advised the workers to go on a strike and to demand a hike in wages |
2. Kheda Satyagraha | Advised the peasants to withhold payment of revenue |
3. Rowlatt Satyagraha | Founded Satyagraha Sabhas whose members would disobey the act and court arrest. |
Which of the above pair(s) is/are correctly matched?
Rowlatt Act, 1919, provided :
1. Arrests without warrant
2. In camera trials of political prisoners
3. Indefinite detention without trial
4. Stricter control of the press
Which of the given above statements are correct?
Consider the following statements in context of Wavell Plan:
1. The Wavell Plan gave the League some kind of veto in the council with decisions opposed to Muslims needing a two-thirds majority for approval.
2. Congress objected the plan as an attempt to reduce the Congress to the status of a purely caste based Hindu party.
3. The Shimla Conference brokedown on the point of demand of the league, that league alone would be representative of Indian Muslims.
Which of the above statements is/are correct?
Which of the following statements is/are correct regarding the introduction of Railways during British India?
1. Private contractors who built the railways during British were offered guaranteed return.
2. Railways were built predominantely by capital provided by Indian investors.
Select the correct answer using the code given below.