GS History Modern India

With reference nationalist critique of 19th century colonial India, which of the following statements is/are correct?

1. Foreign capital investment was seen as a tool for political subjugation.

2. Modern technology and capitalist enterprise were seen as colonial measures to exploit the poor.

Select the correct answer using code given below.


Statement 1 is correct. The earlier nationalist saw foreign capital as an unmitigated evil which did not develop a country but exploited and impoverished it. They further argued that instead of encouraging and augmenting Indian capital foreign capital replaced and suppressed it, led to the drain of capital from India and further strengthened the British hold over the Indian economy.

Statement 2 is incorrect. The early nationalists accepted with remarkable unanimity that the complete economic transformation of the country on the basis of modem technology and capitalist enterprise was the primary goal of all their economic policies.

Thus, Option A is Correct.

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