GS History Modern India

British formed a consultative body of the princely states known as Narendra Mandal, Which of the following statements are correct about this?

1. It was established by Royal Proclamation in 1921 on the recommendation of Montford Reforms

2. It used to consider on the issues, among others, the British empire as a whole.

3. The formation of such body was first expressed by Lord Lytton.

Select the correct answer using the code given below

  • It was established by Royal Proclamation in 1921 on the recommendation of Montford reforms
  • The Chamber of Princes ( Narendra Mandal) was an institution established in 1920 by a Royal Proclamation of the King-Emperor to provide a forum in which the rulers of the princely states of India could voice their needs and aspirations to the government of British India. It survived until the end of the British Raj in 1947
  • The creation of the Chamber of Princes followed the abandonment by the British of their long-established policy of isolating the Indian rulers from each other and also from the rest of the world.

Thus, Option D is Correct.

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