Consider the following statements :
1. Mandu is a historical fort-town in the Junagadh region of Gujarat.
2. It served as the seat of the Hindu rulers Paramaras as well as capital of Hoshang Shah during the medieval period.
3. It is the site of stuff of popular legend of Baz Bahadar-Rani Rupmati romance and their musical and poetical achievements.
4. Hoshang Shah’s Mausoleum in Mandu is the first tomb in India made fully of white marble.
Which of the above statement is not correct?
More Questions Selected Just For You. Attempt Now!
Which of the following amounts to reactionary policy of Lord Lytton?
1. The duty imposed on manufactured cotton goods imported to Indian from England was abolished.
2. The age limit for Indians appearing in Civil Service Examination was reduced from 21 to 19.
3. Enactment of Vernacular Press act of 1878 that restricts the regional language newspapers.
Select the correct answer using the codes given below.
Which of the following is not correct about Rabindranath Tagore?
With reference to the growth of Indian Civil Service during British India, consider the following statements:
1. Recruitment to the civil service at the outset was based on patronage.
2. The Civil Service remained for all practical purposes out of bounds to Indians despite the introduction of competitive examination in 1853.
3. In the 1940s, the Indians outnumbered the Europeans in the Civil Services.
Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct?
With reference to Jallianwallah Bagh massacre, consider the following statements:
1. The public meeting was held to protest the the arrest of Saifuddin Kitchlew and Satyapal.
2. The British public protested against the atrocities done by General Dyer.
3. The priests of Golden Temple honored General Dyer and declared him to be a Sikh.
Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct?
Consider the following statements about ‘The Rashtrakutas’
1. They encouraged Arabs of Sindh.
2. They encouraged Hinduism but not Digambara Jainism
3. Their capital was at Manyakheta
4. The king Amonghavarsha I himself authored a part of Kavirajamarga, the earliest known Kannada poem.
Which of the statements given above are correct?
Consider the following statements regarding the decline of the Mughal Empire.
1. Deccan Policy of Aurangzeb.
2. The Mughal Court Politics degenerated the mobility.
3. The defect of the Mansabdari system corrupted the Mughal army.
Which of the above statement(s) is/are correct
With reference to the General Elections in 1945, consider the following statements:
1. There was a debate between Swarajists and no-changers on the issue of contesting elections.
2. The issue of INA trials was taken up in the election campaign by the Congress.
3. The Muslim league performed badly as compared to the elections of 1937.
Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct?
Consider the following:
1. Ashwamedha Yagna was mentioned in Yajurveda
2. Pushyamitra Sunga was the first known historic king who performed it.
3. Among Guptas, a Gold Coin depicts Samudra Gupta also performed it.
Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct?
Consider following statements with reference to Congress Socialist Party formed in 1934:
1. It was not a separate organistation but a separate wing, working within the Congress.
2. It favoured Socialist agenda above the National movement.
3. It succeeded in making Congress adopt a socialist economic policy.
Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
Which of the following was the objective of the Desai-Liaqat pact?