GS History Modern India

Consider the following statements :

1. Mandu is a historical fort-town in the Junagadh region of Gujarat.

2. It served as the seat of the Hindu rulers Paramaras as well as capital of Hoshang Shah during the medieval period.

3. It is the site of stuff of popular legend of Baz Bahadar-Rani Rupmati romance and their musical and poetical achievements.

4. Hoshang Shah’s Mausoleum in Mandu is the first tomb in India made fully of white marble.

Which of the above statement is not correct?

  • Mandu is situated in the Malwa region of Madhya Pradesh. In 6th and 7th centuries it was a seat of power under the Paramaras of Malwa. But after the region was captured by Delhi sultanate, an independent Malwa sultanate of Turko-Afghan origin was established between 1392-1562, until the capture of the region by Akbar.

Thus, Option A is Correct.

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