GS History Modern India

With reference to Congress Socialist Party, consider the following statements:

1. It was founded by Jawahar Lal Nehru and Subash Chandra Bose.

2. It emerged as a rival political organisation to Indian National Congress.

3. It offered conditional help for the British war efforts during Second world war.

Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct?


Statement 1 is incorrect: It was formed with Acharya Narendra Deva as President and Jay Prakash Narayan as General Secretary in 1934.

Statement 2 is incorrect: The Congress Socialist Party was not a rival political organisation to the Congress but was launched to work within the Congress, to strengthen it, mould and shape its policies. Its constitution defined that the members were all required to be members of the Indian National Congress.

Statement 3 is incorrect: It disagreed with the Congress offer of conditional help for British war efforts as it maintained that the war was a conflict between partners of imperialism for repartition of the world.

Thus, Option D is Correct.

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