GS History Modern India

With reference to the Simon Commission, consider the following statements:

1. It recommended the replacement of dyarchy with responsible government in the provinces.

2. It was boycotted by all political parties in India.

3. Rabindranath Tagore renounced his knighthood to protest against Simon commission.

Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct?


Statement 1 is correct. The Government of India Act 1919 had introduced the system of diarchy to govern the provinces of British India. However, the Indian public clamoured for revision of the difficult diarchy form of government, and the Government of India Act 1919 itself stated that a commission would be appointed after 10 years to investigate the progress of the governance scheme and suggest new steps for reform. The Indian Statutory Commission was a group of seven British Members of Parliament they had been dispatched to India in 1927 to study constitutional reform in that colony. It was commonly referred to as the Simon Commission after its chairman, Sir John Simon. Simon Commission recommended the replacement of diarchy with responsible government in the provinces, which was done in 1935. Provisions of the Commission:

  • There should be a constitutional reconstruction.
  • It would be a federal constitution.
  • The provinces should be given full autonomy including law.
  • The governor should have discretionary power to relate to internal security and administrative powers to protect the different communities. • The number of members of provincial legislative council should be increased.
  • Governor-general should have complete power to appoint the members of the cabinet.
  • The government of India should have complete control over the high court.

Statement 2 is incorrect. At the annual session of the Congress in Madras in December 1927, a resolution was passed which advocated the boycott of the Simon Commission “at every stage and in every form“. Other factions of the politicians also joined the suit. However, in Muslim league, there was a split of thought. Jinnah was for boycotting the commission; but Muhammad Shafi was for support for the Government. Liberals of the Hindu Mahasabha also supported the boycott. Justics Party in Madras and the Unionists in Punjab decided not to boycott the Commission.

Statement 3 is incorrect: Rabindranath Tagore Tagore renounced his Knighthood in protest for Jalianwalla Bagh mass killing.

Thus, Option A is Correct.

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