Consider the following statements regarding the revolutionary terrorism that sprouted after the sudden termination of Non-cooperation Movement.
1. Inspired by Russian revolution, socialism was one of the core ideas behind it.
2. This new wave was the result of the disenchantment with Gandhian methods.
3. There was an active participation of young women.
Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct?
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The term 'Ghalla-bakhshi' refers to-
The song 'Bande Mataram' became widely popular for the first time during which of the following movements?
Consider the following statements about ‘Mughal- Sikh Relations’ :
1. The relations between them were non-uniform.
2. The Naqashbandis spoiled the relations between Mughals & Sikhs.
3. The Battle of Amritsar was a result of increasing tensions between the Mughal government and Guru Hargobind.
Which of the statements given above are correct?
Consider the following statements about the fallouts of the Battle of Plassey.
1. The company got the right to free trade in Bengal, Bihar and Orissa.
2. The French were no longer a significant power in Bengal.
3. Private trades of british merchants were still taxed.
Select the correct answer using codes given below. Which of the statements given above are correct?
Which of the following statement(s) is/are correct regarding the Chamber of Princes established in 1920?
1. It was popularly known as Narender Mandal or Narendra Mandal.
2. The needs and aspiration of princely states were voiced using this forum.
3. It survived until the end of the British Raj in 1947.
Select the correct answer using the codes given below:
Consider the followings about ‘Concept of Nirvana’ in Buddhism:
1. The concept of Nirvana in Buddhism is entirely different from the Hinduism.
2. Buddhism denied the concept of Moksha.
3. It defines Nirvana has to getting rid of Cycle of Death and birth.
4. To achieve nirvana one should follow moral code of Conduct.
Which of the statements given above are correct?
Who among the following was called as the “Interlopers”?
With reference to the Public Safety Bill which of the following statement(s) is/are correct?
1. Bhagat Singh and B.K. Dutt throw a bomb in the Central Legislative Assembly against the passage of the Public Safety Bill.
2. Public Safety Bill was intended to contain the Communists but nationalists were concerned that such a provision would reduce the civil liberties of citizens in general and workers in particular.
3. Swarajists played a significant role in defeating the Public Safety Bill in the legislature.
Select the correct answer using the code given below.
Consider the followings about ‘Buddhist texts’
1. Dipavamsa is the oldest historical record of Sri Lanka.
2. Divyavadana, a sankrit text, deals with Mauryan and Sunga History.
3. Udana is a Pali text contains the story of "Blind men and Elephant".
4. Bodhi Vamsa is a mix Sanskrit Pali text which was composed by Upatissa.
Which of the statements given above are correct?
Lala Lajpat Rai is associated with which of the following?
1. Agitation against Simon commission
2. Servants of People society
3. Arya Samaj
Select the correct answer using the codes given below.