GS History Modern India

With reference to the Shivaji’s Administration, consider the following statements.

1. Chauth was an annual tax nominally levied on land revenue. 

2. Sardeshmukhi was an additional levy on those lands over which Maratha claimed hereditary rights.

Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct?

  • Literally, Chauth is now known as extortion. Shivaji had raided from Surat to Madras and had divided the entire area into two parts. The area within his own “Swarajya” or Mulk-i-Qadim was the area that belonged to the Marathas. The outside area whenever plundered was to be levied the two taxes Chauth and Sardeshmukhi.
  • Chauth was One fourth of the tax that was given by the people to the Mughal or the Deccan Kingdoms.
  • Chauth was levied on a promise that Marathas will not raid the area which pays them Chauth.
  • Sardeshmukhi was an additional tax which was 1/10th of the revenue levied by the Mughals.

Thus, Option C is Correct.

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