GS History Modern India

Which of the following factors was/were responsible for tribal uprising during the british rule?

1. British introduced a new system of land revenue and taxation.

2. Influx of Christian missionaries into the tribal areas.

3. British introduced moneylenders, traders and revenue farmers as middlemen among the tribals.

Select the correct answer using the code given below.

  • The colonial administration ended the relative isolation of tribals and brought them fully within the ambit of colonialism.

Statement 1 is correct. British recognized the tribal chiefs as zamindars and introduced a new system of land revenue and taxation of tribal products.

Statement 2 is correct. British encouraged the influx of Christian missionaries into the tribal areas. It unsettled their traditional culture.

Statement 3 is correct. British introduced a large number of moneylenders, traders and revenue farmers as middlemen among the tribals. These middlemen were the chief instruments for bringing the tribal people within the vortex of the colonial economy and exploitation. The middlemen were outsiders who increasingly took possession of tribal lands and ensnared the tribals in a web of debt.

Thus, Option D is Correct.

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