GS History Modern India

After revolt of 1857, the Army was reorganized systematically. Consider the following statements regarding the reorganisation of army after 1857 revolt :

1. The percentage of Europeans was decreased but European monopoly over higher positions was strengthened which ensured complete European control over the army.

2. European monopoly over key geographical locations and key departments like artillery, tanks was maintained.

3. To create divisions among various groups in army, some races like Sikhs, Gurkhas were declared non martial.

Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct ?

  • To prevent the recurrence of another revolt was the main reason behind the reorganization of Army. The % of Europeans is increased in the army. So option 1 is incorrect.
  • European monopoly over key geographical locations and key departments like artillery, tanks was maintained to safeguard key locations and weaponry. So option 2 is correct.
  • To create divisions among various groups in army some races like Sikhs, Gurkhas were declared martial and others who participated in the 1857 revolt such as soldiers from Awadh, Bengal etc. declared non martial. So option 3 is incorrect.

Thus, Option C is Correct.

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