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Ursa Major or Big bear is an example of .
Which is the warmest layer of the atmosphere?
Match List I and List II and mark the correct answer.
List I List II
(Winds) (Locations)
a. Chinook 1. Alps
b. Foehn 2. India
c. Sirocco 3. USA
d. Loo 4. Egypt
Which planet is called evening star?
A geyser is a spring which:
Which of the following is a renewable resource?
The soil water which is of the greatest importance to the plant life is:
The main cause of recurring flood is:
Consider the following geological phenomena:
I. Development of a fault
II. Movement along a fault
III. Impact produced by a volcanic eruption
IV. Folding of rocks
Which of the above causes earth-quakes?
The layer where the decrease in temperature with increasing altitude is totally absent is: