GS History Modern India

With reference to legislative councils during British rule consider the following statements :

1. Imperial Legislative council was constituted by Indian Councils Act 1892.

2. Most of the members of Imperial legislative council were moderate leaders of Indian National Congress during initial 20 years after its formation.

3. Moderate leaders demanded a majority of Elected Indians in Imperial Legislative council.

Which of the statements given above is/are correct?

  • Imperial Legislative council was constituted by Indian Councils Act 1861. So ststement 1 is incorrect
  • Initially Indian members are few in number—thirty years from 1862 to 1892 only 45 Indians were nominated to it. Most of them being wealthy, landed and with loyalist interests. Only handful of political figures and independent intellectuals were there. So Statement 2 is incorrect.
  • Moderate leaders demanded a majority of Elected Indians in Imperial Legislative council. So Statement 3 is correct.

Thus, Option C is Correct.

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