With reference to Lord Wellesley, consider the following statements:
1. He was the first European governor general to use the system of subsidiary alliance in India.
2. He concluded the Treaty of Salbai with the Marathas.
3. He reformed the administration and introduced the civil services.
Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct?
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Regarding the Tebhaga Movement, consider the following statements.
1. The movement demanded uprooting of the Zamindari system.
2. Floud commission appointed to consider the issue reported against the demand of sharecroppers.
Which of the statement(s) given above is/are not correct?
With reference to revolt of 1857 which of the following pair is/are correctly matched?
List-I (Storm) | List-II (Center Leader) |
1. Lucknow | Begum Hazrat Mahal |
2. Bareilly | Kunwar Singh |
3. Faizabad | Khan bahadur |
4. Delhi | General Bakht Khan |
Select the correct answer using code given below:
Sir Charles Wood’s Despatch on Education came to be considered as the Magna Carta of English education in India. Which of the following statement(s) is/are not correct about it?
1. It underemphasised the importance of Vernacular languages
2. It supported the education of women
Select the correct answer using codes given below.
Which was the first work to recognise the payment of officers by Grants of Land?
What was the main reason behind the the Bardoli Satyagrah in 1928?
Consider the following statements regarding the Surat session 1907 of Indian National Congress:
1. Swarajya was defined as goal of Congress.
2. Extremists wanted that Rashbehari Ghosh should be the President.
3. During this session, Moderates wanted to reduce extent of Swadeshi movement as Council reforms were on anvil.
Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct?
After the termination of Non-cooperation Movement, a new wave of revolutionary movement gathered momentum. Consider following statements about this new wave of Revolutionary Terrorism:
1. Ideologically this new wave had some socialistic content in it and was inspired by Russian revolution.
2. This new wave was the result of the disenchantment with Gandhian methods.
3. Women took no part in it as the violence repulsed them.
Which of the statement(s) given above is/are true?
With reference to the British Education Policy in India, consider the following statements.
1. Lord’s Macaulay’s Minute supported a village education through vernacular languages
2. Woods Despatch was in favour of the Downward Filtration Theory.
3. Sergeant Plan was its objective to create the same level of education as prevailed in England
Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct?
The Maratha power suffered from certain basic weaknesses which lead to its downfall. Which of the following is not among the weaknesses?
Consider the following statements regarding Khilafat movement:
1. It was led by Muhammad Ali and Shaukat Ali.
2. It brought urban muslims into the fold of national movement.
3. The movement was supported by the newspapers- Comrade and Al Hilal.
Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct?