GS History Modern India

The Sur Empire may be considered in many ways as a continuation and culmination of the Delhi Sultanate. Which of the following were some of the reforms introduced by Sher Shah?

1. He repealed the land revenue system to promote a welfare state.

2. He restored the old imperial Grand Trunk Road from the river Indus in the west to Sonargaon in Bengal.

3. Customs duties were abolished on goods to promote trade and commerce.

Select the correct answer using the codes below.


Statement 1: He re-established law and order and dealt sternly with robbers and with zamindars who refused to pay land revenue or disobeyed the orders of the government. So, 1 is incorrect.

Statement 2: Sher Shah paid great attention to the fostering of trade and commerce and the improvement of communications in his kingdom. Sher Shah restored the old imperial road called the Grand Trunk Road, from the river Indus in the west to Sonargaon in Bengal.

Statement 3: Sher Shah also introduced other reforms to promote the growth of trade and commerce. He fixed standards for weights and measures, which helped trade and commerce.

  • In his entire empire, goods paid customs duty only at two places: goods produced in Bengal or imported from outside paid customs duty at the border of Bengal and Bihar, and goods coming from West and Central Asia paid customs duty at the Indus.
  • No one was allowed to levy customs at roads, ferries or towns; anywhere else.
  • Sher Shah did not make many changes in the administrative divisions prevailing since the Sultanat period. A number of villages comprised a pargana. The pargana was under the charge of the shiqdar, who looked after law and order and general administration, and the ,nunsif or amil who looked after the collection of land revenue. Accounts were maintained both in the Persian and the local languages (Hindavi).

Thus, Option B is Correct.

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