GS History Modern India

Consider the following statements regarding the police reforms during the British rule in India :

1. Lord Bentick relieved the zamindars from their police functions.

2. Lord Cornwallis regularized the police force by establishing a system of thanas under a Daroga.

Which of the statements given above is/are correct?


Statement 1 is incorrect. Lord Cornwallis relieved the zamindars of their police duties. Bentick abolished the office of SP. The collector/magistrate was made the head of the police force in his jurisdiction and the commissioner in each divison was to act as the SP. this arrangement resulted in a badly organised police force, putting a heavy burden on the collector/magistrate.

Statement 2 is correct. Lord Cornwallis organised a regular police force to maintain law and order by going back to and modernising the old Indian system of thanas (circles) in a district under a daroga (an Indian) and a superitendent of police (SP) at the head of a district.

Thus, Option B is Correct.

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