Regarding Dadabhai Naoroji’s Drain of Wealth theory, the main constituents of Home charges were which of the following?
1. Dividend to the shareholders of the East India Company
2. Interest on Public Debt rose abroad
3. Civil and Military charges
4. Store purchased in England
Select the correct answer using the code given below.
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Consider the following statements in the context of Indian Capitalists before independence:
1. The Indian capitalist class grew largely as junior partners of foreign capitalist.
2. The capitalist class on the whole was not tied up in a subservient position with pro-imperialist feudal interests either economically or politically.
Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct?
Who were called as the 'responsivists' during the Indian national movement?
Which of the following statement is not correct regarding the August offer, 1940?
The Sur Empire may be considered in many ways as a continuation and culmination of the Delhi Sultanate. Which of the following were some of the reforms introduced by Sher Shah?
1. He repealed the land revenue system to promote a welfare state.
2. He restored the old imperial Grand Trunk Road from the river Indus in the west to Sonargaon in Bengal.
3. Customs duties were abolished on goods to promote trade and commerce.
Select the correct answer using the codes below.
Zimmerman plan is associated with which of the following?
With reference to the Ramakrishna Mission, consider the following statements:
1. It believed in the cult of bhakti and yoga.
2. It advocated the doctrine of service of all beings.
3. It recognised the utility of image for the worship of God.
Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct?
Which among the following dynasty never patronized Jainism?
Which of the statement(s) given below is/are correct regarding Raja Rammohan Roy?
1. He protested against the founding of Sanskrit College in Calcutta.
2. He believed in the rationality of Vedanta philosophy.
3. He founded Atmiya Sabha to campaign against idolatry and caste rigidities.
Select the correct answer using the code given below.
Consider the following statements with regard to Gandhian ideology:
1. It was completely against industrialisation and was follower of self reliant rural economy.
2. It was against investment of foreign capital for development of India.
Which of the statements(s) given above is/are correct?
During the revolt of 1857, as the mutiny broke out, sepoys started converging to Delhi. Which of the following is the correct reason behind that?