The West European States and Merchants began to search for new and safer sea routes to India and Spice Islands of Indonesia in 15th century because of
1. Turkish control of trading routes
2. Monopoly of merchants of Venice and Genoa over trade between Europe and Asia.
Select the correct answer using the code given below.
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With reference to the Wavell Plan of 1945, consider the following statements:
1. Viceroy's executive council was to be converted into interim government.
2. Hindus and Muslims were to be given equal representation in the executive council.
3. The Shimla conference was convened to discuss its provisions.
Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct?
Consider the following statements about the Battle of Plassey:
1. English provocations, like misuse of Dastaks, were the key reason for the conflict between them and the Bengal rulers.
2. The Battle of Plassey was more of a skirmish than a battle.
3. There was a reversal of bullion flow from India after the battle.
Select the correct answer using the codes given below.
The role of the nationalist press in early 19th century was:
1. To get a share in the lucrative printing business.
2. Political education and mobilization of common man.
3. To come out with sharp criticism of government policies.
Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct?
Where do we find the maximum concentration of Harappan sites?
The Revolutionary, Surya Sen was associated with which of the following organisation?
Which of the following statements is not correct concerning Sher Shah?
Moderates gave economic critique of British rule in India and demanded for economic development of India. Which of the following are the important demands made by moderates for economic development of India?
1. Increase foreign investment in India for development of Indian Economy
2. Increase in import duties to protect and promote Indian Industriesss
3. Reduction in military expenditure
Select the correct answer using code given below.
Consider the followings about ‘Buddhist texts’
1. Dipavamsa is the oldest historical record of Sri Lanka.
2. Divyavadana, a sankrit text, deals with Mauryan and Sunga History.
3. Udana is a Pali text contains the story of "Blind men and Elephant".
4. Bodhi Vamsa is a mix Sanskrit Pali text which was composed by Upatissa.
Which of the statements given above are correct?
In 1893- Champaner, Bhuvan enters into a wager with British administration to play a cricket match. If he lost the entire village had to pay 3 times the amount of normal taxes and if he won the village would not pay any tax for 3 years. The entire village was drawn into the wager because the land was jointly owned by a collective body of village. Which of the following inferences can be made?
1. Champaner was under Mahalwari system of Land tenure.
2. Champaner was under Ryotwari system of Land tenure.
3. Champaner was most likely to be a village in present day UP, Punjab or Haryana.
4. Champaner was most likely a village in present day Maharashtra or Tamil Nadu.
Select the correct answer using the code given below.
Consider the following statements with regard to first session of Indian National Congress:
1. It was held in Bombay.
2. It was presided over by A. O. Hume.
3. Muslim league participated in the first session of INC.
Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct?