Which of the following can be attributed to the growth of Communalism at the end of 19th Century?
1. Growth of Militant Nationalism divided society on communal grounds.
2. Economic backwardness of the country also played a role in growth of communalism.
3. High unemployment among the educated led to appeal for reservation based on religion, caste and province to secure larger share in existing limited employment opportunities.
Select the correct answer using the codes given below.
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Consider the followings about ‘Somnath Temple’ :
1. It was large structure of Red Sandstone and one among Dvadasha Jyotirlingas.
2. It was destroyed by Arab armies of Junayad in 725 AD.
3. Nagabhatta II is rebuilt the Somnath Temple in 815 AD.
4. It was again destroyed in 1024 by Mahamud of Ghazni.
Which of the statements given above are correct?
With reference to Mughal rule, what does the term Jizyah refers to?
Who among the following Sultans was dubbed by the historians as the “ill-starred Idealist”?
Which of the following methods were followed during the Swadeshi movement of 1905?
1. Traditional folk theatre forms such as Jatra’s were used to reach to masses.
2. Social work during famines and epidemics.
3. Strikes in Tea plantations of Assam.
4. National schools were setup across the country.
Choose the correct answer from the code given below.
Which of the following recommended equal parity between Europeans and Indians in recruitment to civil services?
Consider the following about ‘Din-i- Ilahi’
1. Akbar found the Din-i-Ilahi.
2. It was primarily not to establish a national religion.
3. Akbar believed it would be acceptable to both the Muslims and the Hindus.
4. Birbal accepted Din-i-Ilahi.
Which of the statements given above are correct?
Consider the following events during the British rule:
1. Santhal rebellion
2. Indigo revolt
3. Mappila outbreak
The correct chronological sequence of the above event is:
With reference to the Queen Victoria's Proclamation, 1858, consider the following statements:
1. It declared against further extension of British territorial possessions in India.
2. It provided for entry of Indians in the civil services.
Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct?
In the South Indian medieval history, there is a lot more known and recorded about Cholas than their predecessor.
Which of the following reasons is most appropriately attributed to it?
Nandas, first Shudra Dynasty, the rulers of Magadha were patrons of which of the followings?