Which of the following statement(s) is/ are correct?
1. Communal unity and removal of untouchability were mandatory programmes for Congressmen.
2. For Gandhi, promotion of Khadi meant decentralization of production and production by masses rather than production for masses.
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More Questions Selected Just For You. Attempt Now!
Which of the following is/are correct regarding the building of railways in India?
1. It led to promotion of Indian rural artisan industries
2. It was mainly funded by Indian investors
Select the correct answer using the codes given below.
Congress formally announced its changed policy towards princely states, from that of non intervention to removal of any self imposed constraint on its participation in the princely states, at which session?
Which bhakti saint is associated with Melukote temple?
Which among the following was known as the Father of Marathi journalism for his efforts in starting journalism in Marathi language with the first newspaper in the language named 'Darpan' in the early days of British Rule in India?
Which of the following were the popular means of mobilisation during Civil Disobedience Movement:
1. Prabhatpheris
2. Patrikas
3. Magic lanterns
4. Tying Rakhi
Select the correct answer using the code given below.
Who among the following Sultans declared himself as a lieutenant of Caliph?
Which of the following statement(s) is/are correct regarding the Left Movement of 1920s?
1. It was critical of both Swarajists and constructive workers.
2. It favoured complete independence.
3. It worked within the Congress and remained integral part of National movement.
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Among the following who was the proponent of the ‘Bhakti Cult’ from West Bengal?
Which of the following didn’t occur during Lord Dufferin’s period?
1. Third Anglo Burmese war that led to annexation of Upper Burma.
2. Tenancy acts were passed in some provinces.
3. Congress took birth in 1885.
4. Dadabhai Naoroji initiated establishment of East India Association, at London.
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Which of the following factors led to emergence of Permanent Settlement in Bengal?
1. Need for stability in revenue collection.
2. Expectation that it would lead to investment in land by zamindars.
3. Need for political allies in form of zamindars.
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