Which among the following factors helped expansion of East India Company in south Indian peninsula?
1. Declining control of Mughal Empire after death of Aurangzeb.
2. The regular raids by the Maratha chiefs in south weakened the area economically and politically.
3. French army helped the English East India Company to Invade Mysore and Hyderabad.
Select the correct answer using the code given below.
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Which of the following statements is not correct regarding the Tebhaga movement?
"Located in the eastern part of Indian Peninsula. Covering the coastal belt of modern Orissa. Situated between Mahanadi on North and Godavari on the south".
In the context of above statement the geographical location refers to which of the following place?
Consider the following statements:
1. After abolition of the Dual system, the East India Company had to act as Diwan.
2. Establishment of civil courts reduced the corruption in judiciary.
3. Abolition of Dastaks in trade and commerce completely eliminated private trade by the company’s servants.
Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct?
In which of the following Gandhian movement, an internal intelligence wing was setup to secure intelligence about government moves and to shadow own errant members?
The Revolt of 1857 saw wide participation of the Zamindars. This was because:
1. Their land rights fortified with frequent use of a quo Warranto by the administration.
2. Loss of status for them in the village.
3. Their estates confiscated by the administration and hence, suddenly found themselves without the source of income.
4. They formed the well-read and educated class who had feelings on Nationalism inculcated in them.
Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct?
Which of the following was the major consequence of Third battle of Panipat?
Rowlatt Act, 1919, provided :
1. Arrests without warrant
2. In camera trials of political prisoners
3. Indefinite detention without trial
4. Stricter control of the press
Which of the given above statements are correct?
Consider the following statements with regard to land revenue settlement during the british rule:
1. In zamindari system, gradually cultivators were reduced to tenants, share-croppers and landless labourers.
2. In Mahalwari system the government directly collected revenue from peasants.
Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct?
Consider the following statements with respect to Gandhi-Irwin Pact 1931 :
1. As a result of this pact, the Civil Disobedience movement was suspended by Gandhi.
2. In this pact Gandhi agreed to participate in Third Round Table conference.
3. Government agreed to give right to make salt in coastal villages for sale and personal consumption.
Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct?
“Bijanti” government is compared to the Chola’s for-