In 1901, a famine Commission under the presidency of Sir Anthony MacDonnell was appointed. Which of the following was/were the commission’s recommendations?
1. Opening of agricultural banks.
2. Appointment of Famine commissioner in affected provinces.
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Consider the following statements about the “Doctrine of Lapse” implemented by Lord Dalhousie:
1. It restricted the right of adopted son to succeed to the personal property of chieftain.
2. Satara was the first Indian state to be annexed.
3. After the death of a ruler, the adopted heir could still rule the state with prior British approval.
Select the correct answer using code given below.
Consider the following statements :
1. The birth of Buddha is celebrated as Vesaka.
2. Rummindei pillar of Asoka is put up to mark Buddha’s Birth.
Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct?
Which among the following was/were the reasons for the decline of the revolutionary nationalist movement during 1930s?
1. Lack of social base among the masses.
2. Repression by British government.
3. Lack of a central leadership.
Select the correct answer using the code given below.
Who among the following built the city of Agra?
The British rule in India had led to drain of wealth of India.Which of the following statements are true about this?
1. 'Home Charges' included pension of British Indian officers.
2. The 'Council Bills' were exchanged in rupees in India.
3. The 'Council Bills' were issued by the Governor General of India/Viceroy of India.
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Which of the following statement(s) about the partition of Bengal is/are correct?
1. It came into force in October 1905.
2. Most of the upper and middle class Muslims supported the partition.
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Consider the followings about ‘Prithvi Raj Chauhan III’ :
1. He was the most important successor of Ajayaraj Chauhan.
2. He was a champion who united Ajmer and Delhi.
3. He abducted Sanyogita, the not - unwilling daughter of Bhimadeva- II.
4. He was defeated and executed by Mohammad Ghazini.
Which of the statements given above are correct?
With reference to ‘The Indian League’, which of the following statement(s) is/are correct?
1. It was founded with the aim of serving as a bridge between government and the people.
2. It was superseded by Indian Association of Calcutta led by Surendra Nath Banerjee
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Which of the following statements are correct about Rowlatt Satyagraha?
1. By implementing Rowlatt Act, Government enable to suspend the right of Habeas corpus which had been the foundation of civil liberties in Britain.
2. In Rowlatt Satyagrah, Gandhiji launched an all India hartal accompanied by fasting and prayer and civil disobedience against specific laws.
3. In organising the ensuing political movement Gandhiji constituted a 'Satyagraha Sabha' in Bombay of which he himself was the President.
Select the correct answer using the code given below.
In the context of ancient Indian history, the term 'bhojaka' refers to -