GS History Modern India

Consider the following statements:

1. Silver made its earliest appearance in India before any other place in the world.

2. Earliest punched marked coins were in silver from Kharagpur and Monghyr.

Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct?

  • The earliest coins of India that we know of are made of Silver metal and are known as the Punched Marked Coins. These coins are found from 6th century B.C. Sheets of Silver metal were spread out and then the small pieces of metals were clipped out of it. The piece of metal were punched with various symbol and thus this coinage gets it name. punched marked is also one of the technique of mintimg coins. The coinage has no inscription or anything written on then but only variety of symbols. Different symbols are punched on them. Silver mines existed in early times in the Kharagpur hills in Monghyr district, and they are mentioned as late as the reign of Akbar.

Thus, Option C is Correct

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