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Atoll is a kind of:
Ozone layer is formed due to reactions of:
Consider the following geological phenomena:
I. Development of a fault
II. Movement along a fault
III. Impact produced by a volcanic eruption
IV. Folding of rocks
Which of the above causes earth-quakes?
The area reserved for the welfare of wild life is called:
What is the alternate name for contour lines?
Which imaginary line, located at zero-degree latitude, divides the earth into northern and southern hemispheres?
The method of soil conservation in which stones, grass, soil is used to build barriers along contours and trenches are made in front of the barriers to collect water is called?
In the context of the characteristic features of the climate of the Tropical Savannah region, consider the following statements:
1. Savanna type of climate is found between equatorial rainforests and hot deserts.
2. Plants found in Savannas have extra-long roots that are capable of reaching the water table deep beneath the soil.
3. Soil in Savannas is usually formed by laterization, a type of chemical weathering.
4. The prevailing winds of the region are the Trade Winds which are strongest during summers.
Which of the statements given above are correct?
Tides in the sea have stored in them:
The salt concentration (measured as salinity in parts per thousand), is less than % in inland waters.