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The remedies to soil erosion are:
I. Contour bunding
II. Regulation of land use
III. Cutting of trees
IV. Allowing grazing of animals
What is called a shallow stretch of river that may be crossed on feet.?
Which of the following is an example of Plutonic Igneous Rock?
What is the scale used for measuring the intensity of the earthquake?
Which of the following is a renewable resource?
Among the following, the celestial body farthest from the Earth is:
In predation between:
I. A lion and a deer
II. A snake and a frog
III. A lizard and an insect and
IV. An owl and a rat
Which predator will have greater control over its prey?
Taiga means:
Which one of the following is an unpredictable natural disaster?
Widening of a river valley takes place due to: