GS History Modern India

Consider the following pairs

        Sect                               Saint

1. Vaishnavism                   Tukaram

2. Varakari                           Ramananda

Which of the pair(s) given above is/are correctly matched?


Sant Tukaram, famous Varkari sect, was one of the greatest poet saints ever born in India. It is quite renowned for his contribution to the Bhakti Movement of Maharashtra. His teachings are: An individual should make God the center of his universe. Serving others and loving others is the best way through which we can find Him. For the attainment of sadhana, an individual needs to have faith in his/her destiny. It is not necessary to renounce the world and lead the life of an ascetic in order to be one with God. Spirituality does not require elaborate rituals. Nama Japa (reciting the name of Lord) is the most important privilege of being a devotee. Siddhis serve as impediments in the attainment of genuine sadhana (meditation). Traditions prevent an individual from budding in the love of God. One has to sidestep the usual customs to achieve the same. Swami Ramananda (also Saint Ramananda) was a worthy disciple of Ramanuja, famous Vaishnavism sect. He was born in Allahabad in U.P. in the 14th century. Initially he was the worshipper of Rama and Sita. Later on he showed his inclination to Vaishnavism. Ramananda, like his guru, preferred simple devotion and faith to expensive rituals and worships. He preached the oneness of God, that there was no difference between Rama and Rahim. He preached his doctrine in colloquial Hindi; so it was understood by all categories of people. Ramananda made no discrimination in selecting his followers. Of his twelve principal disciples, there were a barber, a cobbler and a Muslim weaver.

Thus,option D is correct.

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