Consider the following statements with reference to British administration in first half of 19th Century:
1. As British envisaged Rule of Law, corruption was minimal among lower officials.
2. In the absence of any major revolt, Police was committed to safeguarding people's interest.
3. The new courts and legal system was very expensive which aided rich to oppress the poor.
Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct?
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Consider the following statements with respect to annexation of Indian states by East India Company :
1. Lord Dalhousie’s Policy of annexation of Indian States aimed at expansion of British exports in India
2. Policy of annexation of Indian States was stopped after 1857 revolt.
3. Awadh was annexed in 1856 by using Doctrine of Lapse.
Which of the statements given above are correct?
Mahatma Gandhi initiated a movement for Khadi as a relief to masses in Indian villages. According to Gandhi’s philosophy and ideology Khadi symbolizes?
1. Purity
2. Simplicity
3. Self-reliance and self-government
Select the correct answer using the codes given below.
Consider the following statements regarding Aravippuram Movement:
1. It was a movement for widow remarriage launched in Madras Presidency.
2. It demanded separate representation for the lower castes in the legislature in Madras.
Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct?
Regarding the Gandhi-Irwin Pact, all the statements given below are correct except :
The term 'Ghalla-bakhshi' refers to-
Which of the following were the popular means of mobilisation during Civil Disobedience Movement:
1. Prabhatpheris
2. Patrikas
3. Magic lanterns
4. Tying Rakhi
Select the correct answer using the code given below.
Which of the following organised the ‘Pledge movement' ?
Which of the following statements is/are correct?
1. Mongols under Chenghiz khan invaded India during the reign of Balban
2. The Chenghiz khan’s army plundered the Ganga Yamuna doab and caused huge loss of life and property.
Select the correct answer using the codes below:
Consider the following statements.
1. Junagadh inscription of Rudradaman in about 150 A.D. was one of the earliest specimens of chaste Sanskrit.
2. “Mahavastu” was a religious treatise on Hinayana Buddhism
3. Roman emperor Trajan received an embassy from India in 28 A.D.
4. Glass-making industry had received a great boost in India during the Post-Mauryan period.
Which of the given above statement(s) are correct?
Consider the following pairs about ‘Main Departments of Sultanate’ :
List-I | List-II |
1. Diwan I Arz | Royal hunts |
2. Diwan I Insha | Intelligence and information |
3. Barid-i-mamlik | State Correspondence |
4. Amir-i-Shikar | Military Department |
Which of the pairs given above are correctly matched?